Southport Uniting Church Let’s Pray Together July 2019
“The Lord is my light & my salvation. Whom shall I fear?” Psalm 27:1. Give thanks to God.
Please pray for those needing ongoing prayer:
Pakistani Family, Barbara C, Labrador Gardens, Margaret S, Rev. Anne W, Jeanette H, Liam (9 years old Leukaemia), Lynette S, Merle R, John N, Liz McC, The Tinning Family, All our friends in Nursing Homes, Billie S.
Mon 1st. Let us together pray for our Southport Uniting Church Leadership team as they caringly review our Pastoral Care programme for Elders & Carers as they support us all.
Tues 2nd. Thankful for our abilities we pray for the Crossroads Group meeting tonight as they praise God joyfully & enjoy fellowship together in encouragement & love. Amen
Wed 3rd. Lord hear our prayer for families in our Southport neighbourhoods, as children enjoy the school holidays. Father God, bless the parents in their nurturing roles. Amen
Thur 4. We are all grateful Lord Jesus for generous funding contributed to support our Community Breakfasts. Lord, bless our support team and each person attending. Amen
Fri 5. Loving God, enrich the lives of the residents of Woodlands Lodge as they are supported in their later years. We pray for the chaplain & helpers in worship there today.
Sat 6. God of love, alone I fail & so come to you in my failings today – seeking forgiveness & renewal through your son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thankyou Lord for new beginnings in love.
Sun 7. Almighty God, thankful for his leading, we bring Rev Ian before you for blessings of renewed strength & fortitude in his many tasks here leading us on our spiritual journeys.
Mon 8. Father God, today we pray for all who support our church ministry through volunteering in our church office. Lord, bless helpers with your encouragement & grace.
Tues 9. Loving Jesus, our friend & Saviour, we bring to you our Nurture Groups, leaders & members, especially the 4C’s Craft Group who are meeting today. Pray for your own group.
Wed 10. “The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.” Ps. 23:1. We give thanks for God’s abundant supply of our day to day needs & our world of nature & mystery. Amen
Thur 11. Lord God, hear our prayer for our wider world, especially lands where there is unrest & violence, where food is scarce or drought prevailing. Lord, preserve & rescue.
Fri 12. Today give thanks for answered prayer, especially in your own personal life. Rest in God’s presence & share some time with God allowing him to wash you in his peace & love.
Sat 13. Father God, we pray for the homeless who endure cold nights in the streets. We look to a solution for the worsening problems of poverty & relationship breakdowns. Amen
Sun 14. Almighty & Gracious God, we pray for encouragement in their fellowship time together for Pastor Marty, Cheree & the families in our Café Church meeting today at 4pm.
Mon 15. Today we lift to God the students of Primary & High Schools as well as teachers as the new term begins. Lord give them positive values, honesty & Christian principles. Amen
Tue 16. Gracious God, we pray for our community, especially those with mental illness issues, financial distress or a loss in bereavement. Lord, walk with us all in our daily lives.
Wed 17. Wondrous God, we praise your name. Bless our mid- week service & our Prayer Walk groups who are meeting today. Lord, show us how to care more for each other. Amen
Thur 18. Thankful for God’s blessing in our lives we pray for all attending our Community Breakfast, that we share his love in our ministry to those in need here in Southport. Amen
Fri 19. Creative God, may joy & care bubble over in the blessings of music, praise & dance at Mainly Music today. We pray for each child, parent, leader & helper who share there. Amen
Sat 20. Loving Lord, our Father God, refresh us each one, as members of the Southport Uniting Church Congregation, that we be faithful in support & participation in ministry here.
Sun 21. “Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.” Ps. 122:1. Let us pray for those in our congregation who cannot be here as well as the housebound, not able to come. Amen
Mon 22. We pray for the sick in our hospitals and those recovering at home, for God’s healing touch through his son Jesus Christ. Pray by name for those known by you. Amen
Tue 23. God of power & might we ask you to be with our willing team of workers who enable maintenance & safety within our church & grounds. Lead us forward Father God.
Wed 24. Thankyou Father God for pathways of outreach to others as we ask a blessing on all attending & sharing in our Uniting Friends gathering today. We pray for the leaders.
Thur 25. Let us bring to God in prayer our own families, naming each one & any concerns they may be having. Give thanks for God’s care and love within and from our families.
Fri 26. We praise our creative God for salvation in Jesus Christ, his sacrifice & gift of grace to us. Thankyou God for the faith to believe. May my life reflect thanks with deepening faith.
Sat 27. Loving God we are grateful for all who faithfully work on rosters here through the week & on Sundays. Lord, bless our musicians & those who will help in worship tomorrow.
Sun 28. Today as we worship God, let us pray for our Elders, Carers & our Executive Council who lead our church forward in God’s power, faithfulness & dedication. Amen
Mon 29. Loving God, bless all at Labrador Gardens Aged Care & especially those who will come together today for worship & fellowship. Father God, be with residents & staff. Amen
Tue 30. Continue to pray for those in nursing homes, especially those who are part of our wider Southport congregation. We give thanks for Chaplains & visitors who support them.
Wed 31. It is a blessing to honour our awesome God, in prayers of thanks & praise. We pray for the regular attendees at Adventures in Prayer and those who pray for our ministries.