Loving Caring “CONNECTING WITH THE HEART” Listening


Southport Uniting Church                Let’s Pray Together       

Focus on Faith – Strength – Perseverance & Endurance


Sunday. FORGIVENESS Wondrous God, Father, Son & Holy Spirit, I humbly seek forgiveness for I am human, often weak in thought, word & deed. Forgive me when I have carelessly hurt or not helped; for criticizing with unkind words, for not being grateful but selfishly seeking self- gratification. Cleanse & renew me as I kneel in the shadow of the cross of Jesus Christ. Enable me to forgive others as you forgive me. Today, on Fathers’ Day, at the start of the amazing wonders of spring, we pray for all Fathers & Father Figures, young & old in their roles as nurturer, mentor, encourager & the huge role of being a role model for younger generations. Thankyou for Fathers as you bless them in Jesus’ blessed name. Amen


Monday.  CHRISTIAN MINISTRY  Lord Jesus, focus me on gratefulness for your church in it’s many forms, in my life. Bless our Southport Uniting Church; Rev Julie, our Church Council, Pastoral Carers, Leaders & Members. May we be supportive on rosters in needed areas, to use our Spiritual Gifts, sharing roles to work together. Father God, bless our cooks for fundraising stalls, attendees at concerts, musicians & Worship Support teams, morning tea crew, office staff & prayer warriors. Bless our congregation of varying ages & stages of health. Pray for those you know by name. Lord, hear our prayer for our Uniting Church in Australia, giving strength & purpose to those in special roles. Amen


Tuesday.  HEALING Father God, we begin with our Prayer List ( See top of page ). Touch these lives Almighty & Compassionate God, with your healing & wholeness. Comfort the bereaved & enable them to bear their loss. May love be the healing power to be given & received as we pass on the love God gives us, in our daily lives. As we pray for medical & support staff we bring to you our hospitals, Ambulance officers, Police & Emergency Services, Mental Health Practitioners & medical researchers. Enable us Lord, to be as a healing balm to each other as Jesus was to his disciples & all who came to him, following in His blessed footsteps. Bring before God those in your family, friendship circle or neighbourhood who are needing a healing touch because of sickness or an ongoing illness or disability. Be encouraged to keep praying , as our Lord Jesus Christ directs us to pray for the needy. Amen



Wednesday. SELF & FAMILY “Be strong & let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the Lord.” Ps.31:34. Come before God, seeking his grace, upholding Jesus as Lord, asking for strength & purpose for yourself, in His love. Pray about your own ministry areas where God has been leading you. Thankyou God for creating us all individually & uniquely. I come as I am Lord, with my faults but also the gifts which you have given me. I pray for my family, naming each one, with thanks, seeking support for their needs & rejoicing in the blessings a loving family brings. Amen


Thursday.  OUR WORLD Almighty & Eternal God, accept our praise & thanks that we have an amazing life & peaceful existence here in Australia. Our many needs are filled with good health services & educational opportunities. Enable us Lord to be generous in support of those less fortunate than ourselves, to balance the wants & needs more equitably. For our world Lord, we pray, especially the Middle East in the midst of chaos & war – for the peoples of Israel & Palestine plus surrounding areas, all experiencing death & destruction, hatred & hopelessness. Hear our prayers for all in distress around our world. Lord Jesus, show us each one, how to make a difference for you as you guide & fill us with your Holy Spirit. Amen


Friday. OUR COMMUNITY Creator God, show us how to respect resources for the future & view our community as a shared space & responsibility. We are blessed on the Gold Coast with a diversity of peoples, languages, faiths & lifestyles. Lord, bless us as we enjoy our parks, beaches, suburban developments & community hubs. We pray for the Churches of our community, that together we uphold our faith, ministering to all as Jesus did. Hear our prayers for our Gold Coast City Council, community strategies & funding. We pray for solutions to the homeless situation & shortage of housing here and around our country. As a congregation may we continue to support food parcels for the needy, donating food items individually. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord & Saviour. Amen


Saturday. FAITH – In Christ alone, my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song. – Jesus, you are the Cornerstone of my faith, to hold me up in times of trouble, to share my life as no other can. Some of us have faith as small as a mustard seed, but Jesus teaches that he can grow it within us, to be a mighty power. Read Matt.4 30-34. Lord Jesus, I come with the faith I have, with the doubts that often cloud, but the desire that as I study your word & pray, you will deepen & grow my faith. Gracious God, may Your Kingdom grow from our mustard seeds of faith. May God richly bless you as you grow in faith & love. Amen