Loving Caring “CONNECTING WITH THE HEART” Listening


Southport Uniting Church                Let’s Pray Together       


Sun 1st Celebrating Christmas with the Gold Coast City Band, we witness to the love of God in sending to earth His Blessed Son – Jesus Christ our Lord & Saviour. Amen

Mon 2nd Wherever we wander in our Advent journeys, Lord we seek your order & harmony to flow into our lives, enabling us to share with others the joy of Christmas. Amen

Tues 3rd Father God, forgive my often wayward & selfish ways & renew my faith, enabling it to grow day by day. Write your word in my heart & with your light to show me the way.

Wed 4th Dear Jesus, we pray for healing for the many in our families & congregation who are ill. Help us to be compassionate & generous to reach out to them in support. Amen

Thur 5th Lord, teach us to be good listeners, ready to share one another’s sorrows as well as their happy times. In Jesus’ blessed name we pray for all grieving this Christmas. Amen

Fri 6th Around our world there is a lack of peace but we continue to pray for our fellow man that the love of Jesus will dawn into the lives of the troubled or life in the turmoil of war.

Sat 7th Precious Jesus, bless the chaplains, residents & staff of our Blue Care Aged Facilities. Show us how to carry Christ’s light to the aged & frail & also the less fortunate. Amen

Sun 8th Lord, you speak through nature; seashore, bushland, mountains & streams. We lift our voices in praise & thanksgiving for your creative hand upon our world. Amen

Mon 9th Today we pray especially for Rev Julie, our church leaders & Council. Lord give them all energies & enthusiasm as we give them our support in appreciation. Amen

Tues 10th Father God, search me & know my heart, correct & lead me in your way of truth to the Babe of Bethlehem – Jesus Christ our Lord & Saviour of mankind. Amen

Wed 11th Thankyou Lord, for the opportunity to share our abundance of Christmas food, cake & cuppa, with our friends & family. In our plenty, we pray for support to the needy.

Thur 12th Lord hear our prayers for outback families, recovering from flood or damaged crops. Bless each family as we city -folk more appreciate, those on the land. Amen

Fri 13th We pray for support to the Christmas Bowl Appeal which benefits communities around our world, without bias. May the ones in real need  get the benefits. Amen

Sat 14th We are blessed with the music of Christmas, telling the story of the joy to the World that Christ brings. May we be as inquisitive as the shepherds & seek out the Christ Child.

Sun 15th Lord, bless all who are giving gifts this Christmas in your name. Father God, give us the spirit of generosity & love, to spread in our own neighbourhoods & in our families.

Mon 16th Almighty God, no matter what life holds today for our beautiful but troubled planet, thankyou that you rule over all with justice & mercy. In Jesus’ blessed name, amen.

Tues 17th May this be your PRAYER today; (P) peace of heart, (R) rest to your soul, (A) a humble attitude, (Y) you with God, (E) everything in perspective, (R) real possibilities.

Wed 18th Creator God, shower us with the holy love of your spirit, as we welcome the Christ Child into our homes & into our daily lives & routines. Ponder on the difference He makes.

Thur 19th As many families are stressed with finances, we pray for community generosity to the needy & for charities who give support. Bless each needy family, to generously receive.

Fri 20th Let us today pray for families who are enjoying holiday time together – for safety, sharing in love & appreciation of each other. Pray for neighbouring families in your street.

Sat 21st Our thoughts & prayers are for our Police, Ambulance, Emergency services & Fire & Rescue crews. Lord, be with hospital staff who are all stretched for time & resources. Amen

Sun 22nd The Angel said, “Don’t be afraid, I am here to announce a great & joyful event that is meant for everybody.” Luke 2. May we celebrate with happy hearts & serving lives. Amen

Mon 23rd Loving Lord, we pray with heavy hearts full of tears for Nations who go into Christmas under war-torn conditions. May your hand calm our troubled world. Amen

Tues 24th Loving God, bless our many Christian churches on our Gold Coast & all who will worship there this Christmas. May we be up to the challenges our society presents. Amen

Wed 25th Rejoice, rejoice, on the birth of God’s Son Jesus, the Christ. May we welcome Him with trust in faith, celebrating with love & thanks for God’s great gift to us all. Amen

Thurs 26th Let us today pray for each of our family members & neighbours who are a big part of our lives. Thank God for relationships & His blessings in the many generations.

Fri 27th Almighty God, together we pray for the ministry & mission here at Southport Uniting, with thanks for past, gratefulness for the present & blessings into our future. Amen

Sat 28th “Now remains Faith, Hope & Love, but the greatest of these is Love.” 1 Corinthians 13:3. Loving God, thankyou for the gift of Jesus, for forgiveness & renewal in His love.

Sun 29th Loving Father, as we approach a new year, we pray for all the hurts & sorrows of 2024 to be touched & healed in your power, bringing renewed hope in Jesus. Amen

Mon 30th Make a list of blessings received this year & pray your thanks. Make a list of friends who have supported you & thank them personally as you pray for each one.

Tues 31st Lord, as we let go of the old year & venture forth into new horizons & challenges may we journey with you. Be a lamp to our feet & a light to shine on our pathways. Amen



Wed 1 Rejoicing in the Christ Child of Christmas, let us invite Him into our hearts & our homes as a new year begins with new roads to travel & new ventures in our daily lives.

Thur 2 “Go & make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:18. Ponder on your own baptism, child of God.

Fri 3 “Lo I am with you always even to the end of the age.” Matt.28:20. Jesus tells his disciples & us. What does it mean to have Jesus with you always? Pray about his presence.

Sat 4 “Now there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk in the Spirit.” Romans 8:1. Confess your faults & be cleansed in Jesus Christ renewed & blessed.

Sun 5 “Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.” Romans 8:28. Pray for strength to walk in the Spirit & set your mind on living according to God’s directions. Amen

Mon 6 “Do not be conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the good, acceptable & perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2.

Tue 7 “Let each of you look out not only for his own interests but also the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3. Pray about your own ministry to others in Jesus’ name. Amen

Wed 8 Let us pray for Rev Julie in her ministry to us here. Lord, give her rest & renewal, inspiration & energies for the year ahead. Lord, bless her & all her family members, Amen.

Thur 9 “God has highly exalted Him (Jesus) & given Him the name which is above every name.” Phil.2:9. Today praise God, thank Him for His blessings to you & your loved ones.

Fri 10 “I will put my Spirit in you & you shall live…… I the Lord have spoken.” Ezekiel 27:4. Pray for God’s Holy Spirit to be in your life & guide you along the right pathways. Amen

Sat 11 ‘’(Jesus said), If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Pray for your faith to deepen in prayer & Scripture reading, as you are faithful in times with God.

Sun 12 “O Lord you have searched me & know me, you know my sitting down & my rising up.” Psalm 139:1. Be renewed today in confession & worship before our Holy God. Amen

Mon 13 “Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Eph.6:11. Lord Jesus, I pray against the spiritual forces of evil that confront us.

Tues 14 You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you & you shall be witnesses to me.” Acts 1:8. Pray for your family & neighbours & your witness to them.

Wed 15 Loving Lord, hear our prayer for our Church Council & Leaders in our church as they prepare for outreach into our community & to our congregation this year. In Jesus’, Amen.

Thur 16 “O that you heeded my commandment then your peace would have been like a river.” Isaiah 48:18. Pray for the troubled of heart & mind – for the peace of God with you.

Fri 17 “I remember you in my prayers night & day….. mindful of tears & to be filled with joy.” 2 Timothy 3-4. It is a blessing to pray for others – so bring them before God. Amen.

Sat 18 “God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power & of love & a sound mind.” 1 Tim. 1:7. Pray to live more positively in the power of God’s Holy Spirit, redeemed in Christ. Amen

Sun 19 “The Lord will deliver me from every evil work & preserve me for his heavenly kingdom.” 2Tim. 4/18. As Paul trusted in God, Lord draw me to trust in your care. Amen

Mon 20 “I will make a great nation, I will bless you & make your name great.” Genesis 12:2. Let us pray for justice, fairness & the rights of all in our Nation of Australia, with blessing.

Tues 21 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul & with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5. Pray to focus on God & avoid distractions in life. Amen

Wed 22 We pray for the sick in our families & church, for healing, God’s peace & compassion with encouragement in their lives. Who can you encourage today? Amen

Thur 23 “Rejoice in the Lord always & again I say rejoice.” Phil.4:4. Say a prayer of thanks & gratefulness for the blessings in your life. Thank him for those who support & encourage.

Fri 24 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil. 4:13. Lord, hear our prayers for the elderly with life’s difficulties. Bless all at Blue Care Labrador Gardens. Amen

Sat 25 “Abide in me & I in you, as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine neither can you unless you abide in me.” John 15:4. Lord build us up in faith, Amen.

Sun 26 “As the Father loved me, I also have loved you, abide in my love. (Jesus).” John 15:9. On this Australia Day we pray for Christ to be shared around our country, in faith. Amen

Mon 27 “Jesus said to Thomas, because you have seen me you believe, blessed are those who have not seen yet have believed.” Pray about how to share Christ with unbelievers.

Tues 28 “To each of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” Pray to express & use your spiritual gifts within & from our Southport Uniting Church. Amen

Wed 29 We pray today for our Office & Administration staff who co-ordinate groups, helpers on rosters & contribute so valuably to the efficient running of our church ministry.

Thur 30 “Now abide faith, hope love these 3, but the greatest of these is love.” Found in 1 Corinthians 13:13. Read the chapter & pray for your relationships & family members.

Fri 31 “We have known & believed the love that God has for us. God is love & he who abides in love abides in God.” 1 John 4:16. Give thanks for eternal life in Jesus our Lord.